Voice Dorota
Frequency Healing
You are Your own HEALER within human life, body, mind and many timelines of your soul´s journey.
FREQUENCY HEALING WORK is to be aware of changing waves of your choices and shifts in vibration that you can do.
I am here holding highest LOVE FREQUENCY for You.
Frequency Healing by VoiceDorota.
Monthly Live Group - online session
Join Zoom meeting with Dorota each month.
Q&A frequency healing sessions
are happening each month .
They are helping you to stay in higher vibration, tune into light codes, receive healing of old patterns. Practice how to shift your awareness and body frequency and be in touch with Dorota.
12x recorded activations per month
Have access to Space with recorded activations, videos and more support from Dorota to practice tuning to higher frequency.
You will receive activations created and channeled few times a week each month.
They will support you energetically but also help you practice tuning to the higher frequency and change your body DNA, shift your aura, open chakras,decode connected to your aura patterns of humanity that are no longer serving your human self, open your heart and connection to crystal Gaia to heal and create new body frequency.
Free personal welcome session
Personal session with Dorota will help you feel welcomed in Community of Loving Beings . Both the Ones that are joining VoiceDorota group of human family and the Light Beings that are channeled by Dorota`s frequency work.
Frequency Channel
Dorota Rozmus
Introducing Dorota Rozmus, Frequency Channel , the renowned vibrational healer and alchemist of Sound and Light codes.
As a Divine Love channel and embodiment of the Divine Mother archetype, she radiates unconditional Love vibration, fostering profound healing and transformation across all aspects of your Being.
VoiceDorota - Dorota Rozmus
$33 /month
This is Special offer to join monthly Membership with VoiceDorota Frequency healing work. Stay in the community of Loving and Strong Beings that are choosing to shift reality of 3D vibration. Your Body, Soul and Spirit tuning as ONE frequency into 5D Human awareness.
1x GROUP Live online-zoom session each month
12x recordings - Access support and HEALING mp3s each month
1x Welcoming PERSONAL Session - first month only
Receive bonuses and more
© VoiceDorota-Dorota Rozmus All rights reserved.